Welcome to the Enchanted Forest F.O.R.H.E.R. Website
Will You Find Enchantment F.O.R.H.E.R. or F.O.R.H.I.M.?
Welcome to the Enchanted Forest F.O.R.H.E.R. Website
Will You Find Enchantment F.O.R.H.E.R. or F.O.R.H.I.M.?
Will You Find Enchantment F.O.R.H.E.R. or F.O.R.H.I.M.?
Will You Find Enchantment F.O.R.H.E.R. or F.O.R.H.I.M.?
The Enchanted Forest is a place where beauty and wonder can be found. Full details about the Enchanted Forest can be found on the Enchanted Forest Website. (Click the link below to go there.)
The Enchanted Forest is a good and wonderful place. But, all good things bread jealously. So, it should come as no surprise the Enchanted Forest is sometimes visited by none other than ... the Sea Witch! To find out more about her, visit her website. (Click the link below to go there.)
This website is dedicated to explaining how the Enchanted Forest can be used to assist in protection and safety for kids. Read below to learn more about using the Enchanted Forest to raise awareness for child safety!
The "HER" in F.O.R.H.E.R. refers to Mother Nature. Mother Nature made the forest for both little girls and little boy. Mother Nature wants all children to be safe in the forest. Therefore ... in addition to the F.O.R.H.E.R. acronym there is also a F.O.R.H.I.M. acronym. However, for simplicity, we usually use only the first term when discussing our safety concepts.
Read below to learn more about Mother Nature's Safety Concepts and what steps you can take to help teach these concepts to your children.
Mother Nature does not like the Sea Witch and encourages all parents to tell their children stories about the Sea Witch to warn them. Parents should tell kids about the Sea Witch, her seeds, and her seedlings. Arm your children with knowledge so they can keep an eye out for danger.
You can also use it to give your kids something to remember as they practice remembering what to watch out for when they are out in public, and when they might want to come and warn you if they think that they have met the Sea Witch or come in contact with some of her seeds or her seedlings.
Mother Nature has some "safety concepts" that can help arm your kids with strong habits and strong instincts. These concepts can give your kids something to remember as they get better and better at knowing what to watch out for when they are out in public. Knowing what to watch out for ... and when it might be time to come back and warn you (the parents) about something. For example, if they are familiar, they might believe they have met the Sea Witch or come in contact with some of her seeds or her seedlings. They could tell you, and you could evaluate whether or not a situation requires notification to law enforcement ... which is an "adult" concept that your kids do not necessarily need to be responsible for understanding.
Read below to learn more about Mother Nature's Safety Concepts and what steps you can take to help teach these concepts to your children.
The "F" is for Family Cohesiveness. Use the idea of the Enchanted Forest to entertain your kids in order for your family to have more togetherness, more comfort, and more cohesiveness.
The "O" is for Outstanding Physical Strength. Use the idea of the Enchanted Forest to empower your kids. Let them run around and play in the closet forestry area or national park that you can find ... so they can build up their strength, speed, and agility. They might need it one day.
The "R" is to Raise Awareness for Nature's Promise. By "Nature's Promise" we mean that nature is of God, and God protects His own. Use the idea of the Enchanted Forest to illustrate this point with your kids. Prove to them via the beauty of the forest that God loves them ... and that is why he made the forest so beautiful ... just for them. He promised. And He delivered.
The "H" is for a Healthy Mental Prowess and Discernment. Use the idea of the forest to promote a healthy mental state within your kids, and to grow their sense of discernment so that they can be more wise in difficult situations. Our stories and fairy tales are designed to enable them to function this way even if they don't realize it when they do it.
The "E" is for Exceptional Child Safety. Use the idea of the Enchanted Forest to arm your child with so much awareness that they will be swimming in exceptional child safety, even if they don't even realize it.
For little boys, the memory statement is for F.O.R.H.I.M. instead of F.O.R.H.E.R. Therefore, this letter would be an "I".
(I) Inspirational Child Safety
The "I" in F.O.R.H.I.M. is for Inspirational Child Safety. Use the idea to arm your little guy with inspiration and drive to stay safe, so that he will be swimming in child safety, even if he doesn't even realize it.
The "R" is for Relationship Equity. Use the idea of the Enchanted Forest to create "equity" between your kids and any adults that may have ill intentions. By empowering your kids with stories, you arm them with the ability to alert other adults of illicit activities just by thinking about games and child stories. One of the stories you teach to your kid could save your child's life by making them "equal" to an adult when the time calls for it.
For little boys, the memory statement is for F.O.R.H.I.M. instead of F.O.R.H.E.R. Therefore, this letter would be an "M".
Little (M)an Power to Create Relationship Equity
The "M" is for Little Man Power to Create Relationship Equity. Use this idea to arm your little guy with so "Little Man Power" that he can be it to create "Relationship Equity" as described, above.
You can teach your children about Family Cohesiveness by setting aside a certain amount of time each week to gather around the Enchanted Forest and tell family stories involving trees or nature. For example, get the kids to recall memories of their first pony ride, the last trip to the beach, the first time they saw a deer, or maybe the first family hike.
Teach the kids about Outstanding Physical Strength. One way to do this could be to have build a wooden stand as a place to showcase the Enchanted Forest display. We have the plans for a solid base that they could build with just a screw-driver. But the wood is a little heavy, and it would build their strength to heave it around during construction. What if they struggle with the weight? Perfect! That's when you tell them "Well ... I guess you need to start working out?" Now you've got your kids jogging around the block with daddy or mommy instead of sitting on the couch playing video games and surfing dangerous internet websites.
Did you buy the base for the display already? So the Enchanted Forest doesn't need a stand ... it's already on a stand? Who cares! Why doe that matter? We are talking about kids, right? So, just cook up a story about why a new base is needed and get them to go with you on a trip to the local lumber store.
What ever you need to tell them related to the Enchanted Forest display that gets them to attempt to do something, and then start working out to help the them do it ... accomplishes the goal.
To raise awareness for Nature's Promise you can teach your kids about the "promises" that are kept out in nature. This is what we mean: in nature, the bees make a promise to pull nectar out of the flowers. The fish make a promise with the water to swim in it. Ask your child: "What is your promise to nature? What promise will you make to start up, and then keep, your connection to nature? This would then become your childs "Nature's Promise."
Family Cohesiveness Outstanding Physical Strength Raise Awareness for Nature's Promise Healthy Mental Prowess and Discernment Exceptional Child Safety Relationship Equity
To raise awareness for Healthy Mental Prowess and Discernment you can teach your kids to stay focused, be alert, and use common sense. You can also tell them that there is always someone out there watching out even if they cannot see who is watching over them. In our stories about the Enchanted Forest, we call this person ... The One. You can tell your kids that you don't really know who this is ... that you've never see The One. But ... perhaps ... you can say ... it's God? Perhaps ... if they go to Church they can learn more and maybe ... just maybe ... God will let them know who it is? Perhaps!
You can teach your kids about Exceptional Child Safety or (for a boy) Inspirational Child Safety by showing them how you drive your car. Each time you get in the car, you put on your seatbelt, right? Perfect. Remind them when ever you do put your seatbelt on ... you are doing it so that you remain safe. Tell them that sometimes you (we) all do acquire habits that we repeat on a regular basis that we believe helps us be more safe. Encourage them to do the same. Tell them that one of their "safety nets" is their mouth and their noise. If ever they are alone and don't feel safe ... tell them ... SCREAM!
You can teach your kids about Relationship Equity or (for a boy) Little (M)an Power to Create Relationship Equity by telling them the story of David and Goliath. Tell them that David had so much Faith and Hope that he trusted in his own abilities when faced with someone larger, taller, stronger, and faster. Tell them they can be equal to someone larger, taller, stronger, and faster. Tell them to believe that they are "Goliath's Equal" and to stand up to anyone attempting to impose their will on to them in a way in which they are not familiar.
You can purchase the Enchanted Forest as a display and use it as a teaching tool! When purchased in a certain size it basically looks like an "aquarium" ... minus the water. We call it the Enchanted Forest Teaching Tool (EFTT).
The Enchanted Forest Display (EFTT) is a physical item that can be displayed inside the house and used to illustrate the Enchanted Forest F.O.R.H.E.R. Safety Concepts. By having a display that is tangible that can be seen, your kids have a constant reminder of their safety and a way to build good safety habits. Practice makes perfect, right?
The physical display is a conversation piece. By having it in your house, it's easy to teach your kids these concepts by making them think it's a game. Kids enjoy games. And ... the more they play with you, the parent, the better prepared they will be when an emergency arises. Strong habits and instincts are far more important than knowledge or education. Habits and Instincts are instant; knowledge takes time. Sometimes, too much time.
All of our Enchanted Forest Teaching Tools come with a train. For some reason, children really seem to get a kick out of trains, and we are all about keeping them interested. All teaching tools also come with a healthy amount of trees, playsets, and miniature figures as a part of the forest.
When purchasing an Enchanted Forest Teaching Tool, you can choose a size that works for you and your children. The "Micro" size is a self-contained display that is smaller than the other sizes, but allows the child to pack it up and carry it around. The next size up is larger and sits on a display table, and allows you as the parent more options for expanding the Enchanted Forest world, due to its size. The last choice for a display is our largest size. This size also sits on a display table, but, this one offers even more customization choices because it taps in to a size scale that is used to make children's toys from other brands. Regardless of which size you pick, all of them can function as a great teaching tool.
Would you like to help your Enchanted Forest Teaching Tool "stand out" in your child's mind, even more? Great! Feel free to add a reptile or a frog to your display. Yes ... you can turn it in to a Reptilium!
Why not purchase it and then offer to buy a reptile to add as a "bonus?" The child would only get it if they pass your tests of remembrance about safety. Your child will also learn more about the responsibility of caring for an animal if you turn your Enchanted Forest Teaching Tool in to a Reptilium.
Neat idea, huh? We think so.
In addition to the Enchanted Forest train, which is standard, our Enchanted Forest Teaching Tool comes with additional options that can also be purchased. The available options depend upon the display size that you choose. Be sure to ask about options so you can make the best size decision for your child's learning process.
Are you ready to get started teaching your kid? Or have you finished the process with your child and want to get your child's Certification Papers? Great! Contact us to get your papers or to get started!
That's right! Tell the kids ... "If you learn, and learn well, and go through all that we need you to go through ... you'll get the most magnanimous of all rewards ... the Big Kahuna Reward!" The Big Kah-What?!? Yes. You heard it right. The "Big Kahuna" Reward. This is the mother of all All Rewards! Ok ... but ... what is it?!? Well ... it's a secret!
Want to know the secret? Great! Then, get the word out with your kids. Help them try as hard as they can to learn these safety concepts.
And we only tell the parents who buy the display and then get their kids certified in Child Safety.
What? Who? The Kah-What?!? Yes. You heard it right. The "Big Kahuna" Reward. This is the mother of all All Rewards! What is it? Well ... it's a secret! And we only tell the parents who buy the display and then get their kids certified in Child Safety.
Yes ... safety concepts. Get your kids to learn the following:
(1) Teach your kids to master the Enchanted Forest F.O.R.H.E.R. safety concepts.
(2) Teaching your kids the story of the Sea Witch.
Once you have done this, contact us and apply for certification.
Yes ... the Sea Witch!
Who is the Sea Witch? The Sea Witch is a dis-tasteful individual who enjoys coming to the Enchanted Forest along with her Seedlings and spreading misery all over the place. Can she be stopped? Yes.
Find out more at the website, below. (Click the link below to go there.)
Any parent or parents who teaches their kids about these safety concepts (including the story of the Sea Witch) is entitled to apply for Certification Testing.
First, contact us. We will send you an application. Fill it out and return it. Next, we will send you the test. Have your kid answer the questions in the test and then send the test back to us.
Once we grade the test and your kid passes, they are Certified! We will send you the Certificate of Certification. We will also contact you (the parents) with the ... SECRET!
The secret is the reward that your child will get once they get Certified.
Enjoy the challenge!
Are you ready to get started? Are you ready to get the Certification Application? Or ... ready to purchase a display? Great! Contact us to get started!
Onus Pro Giving is our company's way of giving back to the community ... the entire national community. Onus Pro Giving is an attempt at securing the funding we need to give back. This includes the Enchanted Forest Initiative.
Having enough funding and having independent funding will enable us to sustain operations for our divisional and branding efforts. If we are able to prop up our business models along with all its fresh thinking, then we can set the example for doing business in America in a way that is healthy for America.
Visit the Onus Pro Giving website for more details and to make a donation to support the Onus Movement. Remember: Own the Onus!
Enchanted Forest F.O.R.H.E.R.
We strive to stay in contact with our business partners because we care about the companies who care about us! Have a question? Send us a message. We are always happy to connect!
Enchanted Forest USA is a division wholly owned by ONUS Pro Holdings, LLC.
While our corporate office is not normally open to the public, we are available to meet at our corporate office when appointments are scheduled in advance.
Onus Pro Holdings Corporate Office - By Appointment Only
Enchanted Forest F.O.R.H.E.R.: www.enchantedforestforher.com Onus Pro Holdings Landline Phone: (301) 355-9059
Enchanted Forest F.O.R.H.E.R.
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